5 important facts to know about debt settlement, according to experts
February 20, 2024

Getting into debt is easy and can happen in the blink of an eye. Common reasons for going into debt are paying for an unexpected expense, losing income or making poor spending choices.

If you’re carrying more debt than you’re comfortable with, you’re not alone. According to a Northwestern Mutual study, 35% of Americans are either carrying their highest level of debt or close to it. The average level of personal debt, not including mortgages, is $21,000.

While getting into debt is easy, getting out of debt can be challenging and even overwhelming. Debt consolidation loans, 0% APR balance transfer credit cards, credit counseling and debt management plans are options you might consider if you’re facing insurmountable debt.

Debt settlement is another option to consider if you’re exploring ways to manage your debt.There are a lot of misconceptions about how debt settlement works, but it’s important to know the facts before proceeding so you can make an educated decision.